A substantial amount of research supports the benefits of effective communication for patients and physicians. Doctor-patient communication is considered to be the central and significant element of health care. Furthermore, physicians’ ability to communicate effectively is viewed as a key to a successful patient-doctor relationship. Researchers have concluded that excellent doctor-patient communication has a great impact on better health outcomes, reduction of emotional distress in patients, their higher compliance to therapeutic regimens and satisfaction with health care services. Besides, effective doctor-patient communication helps to regulate patients’ emotions, ameliorates comprehension of medical information and allows better understanding of patients’ needs and expectations. It can also be a source of motivation, reassurance and support, can reinforce patients’ self-confidence and positive view of their health status, which can lead to better medical outcomes. A physician with good communication skills encourages open communication which enables obtaining more complete information, assists more accurate diagnostics, facilitates appropriate counselling and thus improves adherence to treatment plans that benefits long-term health.